
Briana’s Journey from Couch Surfing to Homeownership

Briana's Journey from Couch Surfing to Homeownership

Families do not make the decision to be homeless. Instead, it is a journey that they find themselves on, unsure of how to get out of it. One family that found themselves on this journey was former Homeward Bound residents, Briana and her two children. After breaking free from a toxic relationship, Briana and her two kids found themselves living on her friend’s couch without money, a vehicle or a secure form of income. This situation was short lived, however, which is what ultimately brought her to Homeward Bound.  

Although Briana was without a lot, there was one thing she certainly did have; the determination to provide a better life for her kids. I wanted to be successful for my children, someone they could look up to! I wanted to build my credit, which I did, find a good job, which I also did. I wanted to change my life completely and get it back on track,” she shared. Instantly, Briana began utilizing the resources and refferals that Homeward Bound had to offer, such as:  

  • Parenting classes  

  • Help with resume building 

  • Counseling  

  • Assistance finding childcare 

  • Our onsite pantry 

“Anything I needed homeward bound had a resource for,” said Briana!  

Briana truly put her all into making use of what Homeward Bound and the Thunderbird Village had to offer her, and today she so deservingly reaps the rewards. Today Briana is a homeowner with an amazing job that she loves. Her children are thriving in and out of school. Her credit score is high and more importantly, so is her confidence. Today, Briana is an empowered and independent mother that gets to inspire the same thing in her children, as the example to her children that she always aspired to be.  

We are so grateful to say here that at Homeward Bound, Briana is one many success stories that we get to see through our Shelter Program in Phoenix, Arizona. In fact, 85% of the families that joined our campus during their unique journey home found success after their exit. Everything from our two- and four-bedroom units that are fully furnished for families to move into, to our Workforce Lab and Youth Programs are made possible because of Difference Makers within our community. Through donations, volunteer efforts and community program partners we are able to work to end homelessness. Become a difference maker by visiting today! 


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