
Your Life Arizona… Emilia’s Journey to Homeownership

Your Life Arizona Covers Emilia's Unique Journey Home

Recently, Darrell Cunningham, cohost of Your Life Arizona, did a segment on Homeward Bound for his newest segment, Community Corner. Darrell interviewed former Homeward Bound, resident, Emilia, along with her case manager, Alexis and their CEO, Whitney.

An Interview with Emilia… 

Q: What were your goals and aspirations that you hoped to achieve through homeward bound’s housing program? 

A: When entering the program my goal was to achieve independence and gain self confidence. My biggest aspiration was to have a stable place for me and my children. 

 Q: What was your motivation to stay on track? 


A: My greatest motivation was my kids. I also received a lot of positive support and feedback from my case manager, Alexis. Taking the required classes helped me learn how to budget and save. 


Q: Describe how it feels to be a new homeowner. 


A: Being in my own place now feels so surreal. I am able to pay rent and provide for my children on my own. My children and I are very happy with our new place! 


Q: Describe your experience at Homeward bound and how the program helped you achieve your goals 


A: My experience at Homeward Bound was nothing short of amazing. Having the opportunities, I had was very helpful in my journey there. The life skills I learned will forever be a part of my everyday living. I will always be thankful for Homeward Bound, it made me a better person, mother, and an all a better individual! 


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