
Community Partner Spotlight: Arizona Diamondbacks

Community Partner Spotlight:
Arizona Diamondbacks

Meet our community partners, the Arizona Diamondbacks. In addition to being our favorite baseball team, they are longstanding supporters of Homeward Bound. 
Each year, the team hosts a special teen shopping event at the Spectrum Mall Target during the holiday season. This amazing opportunity provides teens facing homelessness a very memorable experience. The Dbacks give the teens a $250 budget and individually pair them with a player or member of the team’s staff to explore the store and select their most desired gifts. While many teens choose items from their personal wish lists, others are driven by the spirit of giving, selecting gifts for their siblings and parents as well. 
Once the shopping concludes, the teens have the opportunity to visit a wrapping station to wrap the gifts they have carefully chosen for their family members. Adding to the festive atmosphere, a meal catered by Chick-fil-a is provided, allowing the teens to spend quality time with their favorite players and simply enjoy being kids. 
This heartwarming event has been a tradition for many years, holding a special place in all our hearts. The compassion and generosity displayed during this event is simply indescribable. We are profoundly grateful for this invaluable partnership and the immense joy it brings to the teens of Homeward Bound each year! 

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