
Welcome to Homeward Bound’s New Program’s Committee Members

Welcome to Homeward Bound's New Program's Committee Members!


Homeward Bound Program’s team is constantly working to provide our clients with the best services to support them on their unique journey home. We are thrilled to announce our Programs committee has recently welcomed two new members, both with incredibly empowering tales of how they ended up in this position of service.


Meet Sarah, (pictured above), a former Homeward Bound program participant joining our Programs Committee after finding her success. After escaping domestic violence, Sarah found herself in a difficult place, The domestic violence situation left me with no money, bad credit, and a single mom of 3 young boys, Sarah shared. 

With her fourth child on the way and no place to call home, Sarah and her family found shelter at Homeward Bound. Immediately, Sarah took action, diving headfirst into the Community Services offered, including financial and budgeting classes through our Work Force Development. She made the most of her time with us, and now Sarah is a homeowner and has had the same job for over four years.  

Sarah tells us about her full life since her successful exit, saying, I am still working for the same company as an insurance broker. I work from home, which allows me the flexibility I need as a single mom of 4 boys. I volunteer at my church, coach soccer, play on an adult soccer league, and spend the rest of the time working around the house to make improvements.”  

Sarah credits Homeward Bound for her life today, exclaiming, “Homeward Bound had such an impact on my life, and I want to be able to share that with others.”  



The second member to join our Programs Committee, Lisa (pictured above), also has experienced triumphing over hardship, which ultimately led her to this place of service work. As a Life and Recovery Coach, Lisa is no stranger to guiding individuals through self-improvement. She didn’t shy away from sharing her own personal journey of finding sobriety as an adult, either. It is undeniable how it has shaped both her empathy for others and her desire to serve her community.  

It was evident that Lisa’s background as a former teacher and group fitness instructor of 17 years also played a role in her being such a natural mentor. Above all, she shared, “My biggest role is being a mom to my now adult boys.” Family means everything to Lisa  

Lisa joined the committee this month with a bang, hosting a Family Fun Night for the Homeward Bound community. Residents of the Thunderbirds Family Village were invited to a community meal, catered by Provecho, a Mexican restaurant located in Phoenix, and participated in a sound healing yoga session with Lisa’s friend Jen 


Besides opportunities for the community to get together, Lisa also expressed her desire for more movement and health-based practices in the Programs Services, saying, Goals can really be reached when you feel good. Movement IS medicine!” 

Without a doubt, both new members bring unique and inspiring qualities that we are so grateful to have as a part of our Programs Committee! We look forward to impacting on the lives of families facing homelessness with help from both of them. 

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