
Jonathan’s Journey From Facing Homelessness at 11 Years Old To Serving His Community & Country

Jonathan’s Journey From Facing Homelessness at 11 Years Old To Serving His Community & Country

Jonathan (pictured above), a former Homeward Bound Shelter Program participant, went from facing homelessness as a child to serving his country and community as an adult. His story is a beaming example of how many lives can be affected by changing life’s course for just one child. In 2001 when he was just eleven years old, Jonathan and his mother came to Homeward Bound after finding themselves without shelter or food. This misfortune resulted from a cross-country move to be closer to family after they had discovered that his mother was ill. Unfortunately, as a single-mother-led family, the trip had become too much to bear financially, and they found themselves bouncing around from one short-term living situation to the next.   

Once Jonathan and his mother became program participants at Homeward Bound, he recalls how his life changed forever. The mentorship and compassion that he received from youth mentors and case managers allowed him to learn valuable life skills he still uses today. While he was utilizing the services in Youth Programs, his mother took advantage of the resources offered through Homeward Bound, such as parenting and budgeting classes that allowed them to have a successful move out.   

After their eight-month stay, Jonathan and his mother went on to find a stable place to call home. Later down the road, Jonathan graduated from school and went into the army, eventually becoming a commander. Afterward, he went to college, getting a degree in psychology which he turned into a career, serving at-risk youth and impacting young lives. He has no plans of stopping there in his efforts to make a difference. Jonathan shared that he has plans to pursue a law degree next year to further his impact on helping those who face homelessness in our country.  

Jonathan truly credits the second chance that he received. It has allowed him to have the ability to help others who have fallen into hard times just like him. 


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