
Cynthia and her unique journey to homeownership

Cynthia and Her Unique Journey to Homeownership



As of last year, 85% of the families that participated in Homeward Bound’s Shelter Program have been able to maintain stable homes after leaving our Housing Program. One of those success stories belongs to Cynthia, a former resident at Homeward Bound. After a brief stay in a domestic violence shelter, Cynthia came to us, looking for a longer-term solution to gain permanent independence for her and her children. Nearly 63% of women experiencing homelessness have experienced domestic violence, and unfortunately, many shelters only offer very short-term safety for these survivors.   

When families first move into Homeward Bound, they are assigned a case manager that helps them determine and reach their goals for permanent independence. When Cynthia joined the campus, she quickly set her goals and got to work on them. She got began saving, implementing a budgeting and finding housing with the help of her case manager and resources team. She also participated in Homeward Bound’s parenting and domestic violence classes for self-improvement and empowerment. Cynthia took the opportunity to get back on her feet and improve not just her finances but her emotional health as well, setting her up to be the best parent for her children. 

Today, Cynthia is a proud homeowner and an incredible example of all the good that can happen when someone is able to get the support from their community that they desperately need. Cynthia shared, “I thank God for Homeward Bound because if it wasn’t for that program, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today.”  

Through HB Beyond, a continued program after graduation, Cynthia and her children have continued to utilize resources at Homeward Bound and participate in our community events! This is one of the many ways we ensure the success of families that complete our program once they return on their own. For one year, after completing the Homeward Bound Housing Program, our families can choose to participate in HB Beyond, where they can continue to: 

·        Participate in parenting classes 

·        Utilize the Work-force Development Lab 

·        Rely on our after-school programs 

·        Consult their case manager for advice  

We continue to serve our community as best we can, but there is power in numbers, and we need your help now more than ever. With a 35% increase in Phoenix families facing homelessness, community efforts are needed. Head to to learn more about how you can become a Difference Maker in the fight to end homelessness. 

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