
Linda and Her Two Daughter’s Unique Journey Home

Linda and Her Two Daughter's Unique Journey Home

Facing homelessness can be a life-altering and traumatic experience for adults and children. The uncertainty of where you will sleep at night or where your next meal will come from can have lasting emotional and intellectual effects. Having a stable and safe place to call home for six months to a year while getting back on your feet can be the difference between someone falling on hard times and recovering, or setting a family into a spiral that can affect future generations 


Meet Homeward Bound residents Linda and her two daughters (13 and 1.) They are the very definition of bad things happening to good people and what wonderful things can be done when a second chance is given. Linda and her girls joined the Family Housing Hub waitlist after a divorce left them without a safe place to call home. After three months on the list, Homeward Bound was happy to offer them an apartment here on our campus! 

Linda instantly got to work with her case manager and was determined to have her and her family back in their own place within six months! Fortunately, Linda has maintained employment throughout this journey, allowing her to immediately start implementing a budget and establishing a savings account. 


While sharing her story about falling in hard times, Linda never once stopped smiling. You could truly hear the hope in her voice. She explained the relief of having the onsite diaper bank on campus, and how all of the resources offered at Homeward Bound allowed her time and additional savings to catch her breath and get her family back on their feet.  


Linda is a testament to what a positive outlook and an effective support system can do for someone. In just four months through Homeward Bound’s Programs, Linda has been able to apply for her own housing with her income that will allow her to continue to save while gaining full financial independence. This is the ultimate goal of the programs here at Homeward Bound. 


Similarly, to Linda, her daughter was a beaming light of hope and positivity. She was a great example of how important it is for a child experiencing adversity to be told and still know that: 


· They do matter 

· They are worthy 

· There is more to life than whatever situation they may currently face 


All and all, Linda and her family are a wonderful representation of our mission here at Homeward Bound; to empower and support families on their unique journey home. Although we are grateful for those, we have been able to impact, we know there are many more that still need the help of our community. In just one year, the Family Housing Hub waitlist went from 30 families to well over 200. Become a Difference Maker and help us end homelessness in our community today!  



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